Paper games

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Autoescuela. Aprueba conmigo

A new year is full of hopes and full of "This year I'm going to...". One of my intentions for this new year is to initiate to that unkown universe for me: driving. I know I don't know almost anything about driving a car and about driving stuff, but this is going to end 'cause I'm putting an end to this fault. This year I'm starting to learn stuff about this with the help of "Autoescuela. Aprueba conmigo" in my PSP. This is basically a game with about 5,000 possible questions that can appear in a theoric test. Theory is organised in chunks of information, a glossary and brief sketches, which is quite useful for me since I don't have much time to spend with this (I'm studying, or tryin' to, so I'll spend as much time as I can). I think this is positive and useful for me, since one day, not long, I hope, I will have my own driving license. 

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